Happy New Year! I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all that you do on behalf of your fellow alumni and for the betterment of Grambling State University (GSU) and Grambling University National Alumni Association, INC (GUNAA). We are very fortunate to have many dedicated alumni who invest their time, talents and resources in the viability of the GSU and GUNAA.
Throughout 2021, you will find new and creative programs which will reconnect alumni from all decades with more networking opportunities and regional gatherings. I ask each of you to recommit to the mission of GUNAA by getting involved in your own way. Join a local GUNAA Chapter, become a Class Agent for your Reunion, provide a student internship or allow a student to shadow you for the day at your place of business.
I also ask you to show your Tiger pride for the education that you received by supporting the GUNAA Scholarship Fund and personally giving whatever amount you can. We also ask you to support giving opportunities facilitated by GSU’s Office of Institutional Advancement and The Foundation. Please visit the GUNAA website to learn how you may help us reach our goal: www.gunaa.org
Thank you for your commitment and loyalty to GUNAA and our alma mater. I wish you and your family a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Best Regards,
Thomas Jones
GUNAA President